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Specialty Courses

Looking to gain experience in a specific area of diving, are you looking to try something that's outside of the normal SCUBA diving tuition. These are known as specialtys and demonstrate experience in a respective field

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So what is a specialty?

PADI Specialty Courses – many now available with digital learning – give you the tools to enhance your exploration. Discover your unique diving aptitude - deep diving, photography, videography, fish identification, etc. 

Can’t decide? Ask about Advanced Open Water. This course includes two core specialty dives and three specialty dives of your choosing.

Available Specialties

Click for more information or get in touch for all the details! 

How far will you go?

There's a course for everyone and everything. If you want a challenge or you're looking to develop your diving then speak to us.

We all started at the same place you did and now we're teaching people just like you! 


Upcoming courses 

The Scuba Group

Unit E,

Fern Mill,

Haslingden Old Road,




The SCUBA Group is a UK registered company under company number 14118193

Note: Due to policy and legislative changes, it is our policy to refuse service to someone who is unable to demonstrate the pre-requisites. 

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