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First Aid at Work

First Aid at Work


The Emergency First Response First Aid at Work course (FAW) is an approved first aid course for the purpose of meeting the First Aid Regulations 1981. This programme meets the statutory needs of employers in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland needing at least one First Aider on the premises.The First Aid at Work training course provides a comprehensive set of practical skills needed by first aiders in most workplaces, giving both the ability and knowledge to deal with first aid emergencies. It meets the standards required to help comply with Health and Safety (First aid) regulations.


People at work can suffer injury or sudden illness. It is important that employers have made arrangements to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. We teach participants how to respond to life-threatening emergencies.


The course focuses on primary and secondary care, including modules on caring for Specific Illnesses and Injuries related to the workplace, through a combination of knowledge development, skill development and realistic scenario practice to ensure participants have the confidence in their ability to provide care when emergency situations arise. It is followed by an assessment at the end of the course.

  • Qualification

    The qualification is valid for 3 years.
  • Minimum Age

    You must be 16 years old to undertake this course. 

  • Supplier

Image by Johnny Africa


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The SCUBA Group is a UK registered company under company number 14118193

Note: Due to policy and legislative changes, it is our policy to refuse service to someone who is unable to demonstrate the pre-requisites. 

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