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New mask - No Problem!

So you've got yourself a shiny new mask and you're all set to go diving?

Well, not quite yet!

There is nothing worse than a mask that is continually fogging underwater, and new masks can be the worse culprits for this unless they are properly prepared beforehand.


During your Open Water course, you were taught how to prevent a mask from fogging up. It's the part that fascinates one half of the diving population and disgusts the other.

Do you remember how to stop a mask from steaming up?


Our favourite option, is just to spit in it and smear it round. Nice and easy and you've always got it with you!


Either of these methods will work well for a mask that has been treated. If you've just bought your mask though then no amount of saliva or defog is going to prevent it misting up!


Why do new masks fog up?

During the manufacturing process the lenses of the mask are coated in a fine layer of silicone.

The silicone protects the lenses and prevents them from becoming scratched during manufacturing, storage and packaging processes. The protective layers however, cause a lot of fog and the mask will continue to fog until it either gradually wears away, or something is done to remove it.

Thankfully, there are a couple of ways to remove it without damaging your new mask!


How do we treat a new mask?

Use a Cleaning Agent

The best options are either a commercial agent, such as Softscrub or toothpaste. If using toothpaste it needs to be the paste form as opposed to gel and not a whitening variety. Whitening toothpastes contain small crystals to remove stains from teeth and these crystals may scratch your mask. We would always recommend a toothpaste containing baking soda.

When using a scrubber, apply a bead sized drop of either toothpaste or Softscrub to both the inside and outside lenses. Use your finger tip to scrub the paste vigorously all over both sides of the lenses, concentrating mostly on the inside of the lens.  Make sure you scrub every inch of the lens.  

DO NOT use a textured sponge or steel wool to scrub as this will scratch the glass.

After scrubbing all parts of the lens, rinse thoroughly with fresh water. If you are not in an immediate rush to use your mask, you may also consider leaving the toothpaste or soft scrub on the lenses overnight.

Burning the silicone

If done properly, this silicone removal process is only a one-time deal.  You will need to use defog on your mask during each and every dive.


How do you defog your mask?

Ask your question

  • I Spit in it.

  • I buy commercial deFog


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The Scuba Group

Unit E,

Fern Mill,

Haslingden Old Road,




The SCUBA Group is a UK registered company under company number 14118193

Note: Due to policy and legislative changes, it is our policy to refuse service to someone who is unable to demonstrate the pre-requisites. 

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